Tuesday 8 July 2008

Finding long lost family and friends

I've had a strange life. So strange that I have trouble remembering things, and I mostly only remember the bad things. Of my early childhood, for a long time all I could remember was being locked in a bare room and being so bored and lonely and thirsty.

I was adopted as a baby. For ten years I lived with a family and I had two adopted brothers. This was in Canada. The mother of that family didn't like me very much and I was put back into Care when I was 10. Eventually I ended up in England.

Well, 30 years passed, and plenty happened and then last October I got Broadband. One of the first things I did was look up my older adopted brother. We have been talking and it is so wonderful to have found him after all this time. You wouldn't think it, as he is not biologically related, but it is filling a gap that I'd forgotten was there.

He is in Toronto, as is my birth mother who I first contacted about 4 years ago but have never seen. I'm trying to save up to go over and visit them.

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